All the times when I read River, I remember it's a pseudonym very used in sites of sex stories about BDSM or to contact eventual sexual partners.  The same about Rain, Forest and other nicknames like these.  I don't know if it was just a coincidence, a bad joke or if it is their nature, their sexual preference. 

Well, usually, a vanilla person would not choose this kind of pseudonym, but I really don't care about their sexual practices.  I just think it's very fun see chaste, immaculate, innocent vanilla people using hardcore BDSM nicks.  Really hypocrite, considering that Jake, in some moments, was judged for his sexuality, not for his character.

I am late with some really important answers, but as I told to a contact some days later, and repeated to another person today, Jake always respected me and all my female friends a lot, acting like a real gentleman and, believe me, some of them are beautiful women and tried to flirt with him hardly.  :P

He was a very handsome, charismatic, sexy, famous, intelligent man, walking among lots of all kinds of activists, men and women, in several events around the whole world.  Very glamorous.  Becoming one of his lovers or girlfriends was a way of increasing social status, so he really refused a lot of crazy invasive people to avoid problems and being related to these people.  He could have sex very easily, in all the places and parties, without "raping" someone. 

I saw it happening in person.  He was very professional and gentle, refusing more intimate contacts in a polite and discreet way.  He rejected one of my personal friends in a Brazilian event and she is a young intelligent woman, much more beautiful and interesting than me.  It is strange for a 'serial rapist', a crazy psychopath, isn't it?  :-/

Well, let's wait to discover what will happen.  There are lots of things that simply don't make sense in all this drama.  It would not be rational or reasonable.

Kisses and hugs for all of you!  :*  <3


PS:  -  Ah, a silly curiosity!  One of "Rivers" liked a lot to write about incest and bestiality, hardcore taboo themes in general, but I really liked her writing style, so I tried to contact her to ask about the choice of her pseudonym. 

I never received an answer, but it was an interesting experience.  I think this River in special is a girl, not a guy, and she is very intelligent.  Their stories are very disturbing  -  too 'eeck!!!' for my taste, ugh!  -, but are intelligent and she got some archetypical desires, with subtle references to Greek legends.  She is not a stupid girl trying to get audience.  (Different of the j.a. group members' initial pattern, haha!!)

Well, sex with animals is not vegan, but all the people are animals and I suppose her "lovers", if really exist, receive a good treatment.  ;)