Of course, the WL list is a gov-vetting/deception/withholding/redacting/favored outlet operation, modeled on national security/mortality-terrorism practiced from Day One. Still, the file list is far more valuable than the Assange idolization which has become obscene, even Jim Jones-like as it has lured many into its honey trap, Ecuador/Five Eyes/Manning/Snowden. The Intercept complicit in shared spotlight. Assange has peddled personal glorification since the origination of WikiLeaks, aided by skills of an accomplished troubador, actor, self-promoter, hacker, wife/mother/female/underlings exploiter. Nothing unusual about that for it capitalizes! on the essential role of government, business and institution to glorify themselves and bloodsuck their supporters angling for being part of something other than their squalid selves. Rebels know nothing beyond adopting the means and methods of those they rebel against in order to be elected into The Elect and shit on, rape, the willing unelect. No wonder self-loathing journalists, enslaved by advertising-enslaved publishers are drawn to, celebrate, professional con-artists. Headlines and bylines rule, forget what follows the bleeding myrhh, aka leaked documents. Assange is leaking suicidal Kool-Aid begun at this fountainhead of disparagement and sucking up to authorities who dispense privileges, "constitutional," got it, via NGO tax minimization and agreement to quietly vet disclosures ahead of public release. Donors don't risk their fortunes. Thus, this very list's creation and continued celebration/denigration of its fucked-up pseudo-rebellious cutsie-brand. Mea culpa maxima. At 11:42 PM 4/13/2019, you wrote:
This directory has been well known for years. It's not a deadman. There is no reason to panic hammer it. And it should not be tweeted, at all, because retards. The torrent is the correct way. Then do a cut paste file list, and bytecount, comparison to the http dirlist. The insurance files inside the torrents are the ones to select first as usual, everything else has already made the rounds in the global news media since ages.
The recent cops agents and inapapers leaks, and some commercial datasets, etc are whats public news from elsewhere lately.