From: Shawn K. Quinn <>

On 03/16/2017 10:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> Today, the University of California at Berkeley has deleted 20,000
>> college lectures from its YouTube channel. Berkeley removed the
>> videos because of a lawsuit brought by two students from another
>> university under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

>Overall, I think the thought behind the ADA was well-intentioned.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.   One problem is that the Federal Government never actually had the Constitutional authority to do the large majority of things it currently does.  The extreme abuse of the "Commerce Clause" and the "Necessary and Proper Clause" led to most of the expansion of the Federal government between, say, 1900 and today.

>What happened is that Berkeley was sued under the ADA because some of
the videos weren't captioned.

99%+ of things on YouTube aren't captioned.  See where this is going?

> Worse,

Why "worse"?

> this was legacy content left online
after Berkeley decided not to add new content.

I find it hard to understand why that would make a difference, let alone "worse".

>This, to me, is a clear case of unintended consequences, and probably
not what those who drafted the ADA had in mind.

In a sense, true.  Except that I don't think ANYONE could have anticipated this result, when the ADA was enacted.  This is the kind of insane PC nonsense that we all should resist.

> We copied all 20,000 and are making them permanently available for
> free via LBRY. Is this legal? Almost certainly. The vast majority of
> the lectures are licensed under a Creative Commons license that
> allows attributed, non-commercial redistribution. The price for this
> content has been set to free and all LBRY metadata attributes it to
> UC Berkeley. Additionally, we believe that this content is legal
> under the First Amendment.

>I support the preservation effort. BTW, someone needs to tell LBRY they
aren't on Wheel of Fortune and vowels don't cost $250 apiece...

I do too.  But I also suggest coming down hard on Gallaudet University and its supporters for forcing a crazy non-solution to a problem not of UCB's making.

           Jim Bell