Hi there, You might remember MailPile, the privacy-aware, encryption-supporting webmail: http://mailpile.is/ Today PayPal froze MailPile's account with $45k on it: http://www.mailpile.is/blog/2013-09-05_PayPal_Freezes_Campaign_Funds.html http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mailpile-taking-e-mail-back?c=activity PayPal's comment: "Please provide an itemized budget and your development goal dates for your project" MailPile team's comment: "After going round and round on the phone with PayPal, I am left with the very strong feeling that this entrpreneurial freedom is in jeopardy. If PayPal has financial risks to mitigate, why is that specially true in our case? Are the risks larger because we are successful?" inb4 "why would they use PayPal" -- from what I've heard they didn't plan it originally but it was brought in by popular demand. -- Pozdr rysiek