On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 11:14:29 +0100 Peter Fairbrother <peter@tsto.co.uk> wrote:
On 26/09/18 22:24, juan wrote:
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 08:53:56 +0100 Peter Fairbrother <peter@tsto.co.uk> wrote:
Now this does look like a fucking "major conflagration" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hSPFL2Zlpg
No. It certainly doesn't look structurally significant.
OK - The building is engulfed in flames but you don't call that a 'major conflagration'.
Not as in the video, especially as I thought it was scaffolding which was burning.
The videos show the whole building in fire but that's not a 'major conflagration. And you mention the *non existing* scaffolding yet again? Why?
Even so, it's only the outside of the building which is burning,
Is it? If there was no scaffolding, then what is burning?
it isn't particularly destructive as yet.
Where's the scaffolding?
Mea culpa, I was confusing it with Shanghai 2010.
In that case the scaffolding caught fire first, but then the building burned as well So that may be antoher example of fire not leading to 10-seconds, total collapse.
In the video it was most probably cladding not scaffolding burning. It was still outside the main structure. Not structurally threatening.
cladding? Made of what?
The point of my note on Beijing TVCC was that I don't know the actual extent of the fire.
But you claim to know the extent of the fires in the WTC?
I believe that is because of Chinese reticence and the lingering censorship.
dude - cut the bullshit - you live in a fucking, fascist, surveillance police state. You are a subject of the fucking english monarchy, ex fucking british empire.
In Beijing TVCC I haven't seen evidence of a raging uncontrolled fire in the center of the building
you didn't seen any evidence of 'raging uncontrolled fire' in the 'center' of the WTC buildings either, so...
I am still not sure Beijing TVCC counts. Take a look at this:
Yes much of the outside burned - but did the inside?
you tell me - for a few seconds he zooms in, and the stupid camera manages to focus and damage to the facade can be seen.
Also, is that very large core steel, or is it concrete? I have seen some concrete lower parts shown elsewhere ... hmmm...
A bit of research later, the Beijing TVCC entry should read:
Beijing TV Cultural Center 2009 rc/steel
My apologies, it isn't a steel-framed building after all.
where is the source for it being concrete? (or steel for that matter)
-- Peter Fairbrother