On Sat, Oct 9, 2021, 8:46 AM professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
 I know that there have been a lotta rightwing posts to this list since it started.
But - with your Deadpool / bounty / APsterlicious help - I'm confident we can clean-house.

It sounds like you feel worried regarding these posts?

Its a great start that infamous and unholy list Nazi's ( and Nazbols ) like Mongo, Hughes, Gilmore, Young, Donald, Szabo, Gupta, Assmange and Harkness are already long dead and gone.

Have the people of this list really been upsetting you?

Crypto-Fascism - today embodied in the form of Gramps, Batshit and Semich  - is not to be debated.
It is to be smashed.

It sounds like you know of crypto-fascism being a really bad thing?

I'm not sure I know the term well.

That is the cryptoanarchist way - love it or leave it-  Your choice. 

You've been working with things like that for a really long time?