On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 01:47:45 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
There is a principle of American law, upheld by the Supreme Court, that a Federal law is only supposed to be considered of "extraterritorial" application....
Maybe study this as well
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6O6sM2Shok
Well, the events of 9/11/2001 clearly occurred within the United States, with co-conspirators present. Whether OBL, as alleged co-conspirator, would have been susceptible to prosecution, and where, is a different issue. Differerent statutes, different locations, different actions.
But the Farrant/Nanni piece doesn't deal only with OBL. An 'extraterritoral' attack on Assange is explicitly mentioned. Some quotes : Robert Foster : An extraterritorial hit?! General Baxter from the Pentagon : The world's in our grip Now our jurisdiction extends over all of it So who's next for Shock and Awesome judgement? Amadenijibad? Al Akawi? Assange: we're coming! Please, eurofag dont history lesson me! Dont you get it? The true sign of a supremacy Is who gets to decide at each given minute When the rule of law is applied and when it's suspended You can't spell justice without the US and it's Called justice cause it's just us that's justified In judging just cause just wars and just evidence Just test this justice and get just iced if you mess with us It wasn't an error; this right here is the war on terror And it's a continuation of the nineteenth century Campaign we had to wage to liberate the territory Of the united states from the redskin savages Who also hid in caves and kept on attacking us Because they hated our civilised ways, Our Christianity, whiteness and slaves -------- (I sent this message a few times but it doesn't make it to list)