Oshwm: Seems reasonable. It would be cool if consumers started valuing privacy-oriented products, now the whole plot is lost once a company uses a 3rd party load balancer? Nice.

"Every hardware chip individually selected for being freedom-respecting"
Is that in the datasheet for each chip "no backdoors & 100% certified vulnerability free"? Does an Intel chipset laptop manufactured in Shenzen really count as 'thoughtful and freedom respecting'?

“Getting rid of the signature checking is an important step. While it doesn’t give us free code for the firmware, it means that users will really have control of the firmware once we get free code for it.” - Dr. Richard M. Stallman

And without signature checks how will we prevent un-solicited BIOS modification?

Securing their Trisquel derived distro?

RMS doesn't have 'robust against nation state attackers' on his platform for GNU. They're still just trying to get people to comply with the license & refer to it as 'gnu / linux'. 

Don't mistake a 'FOSS' laptop for a 'Privacy Laptop' just because they installed a switch for the webcam. The privacy stuff is just the work of marketing.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 1:36 AM, Oshwm <oshwm@openmailbox.org> wrote:
Links go via cloudflare so privacy already abused before even purchasing.

On 14 September 2015 03:11:12 BST, Alfie John <alfiej@fastmail.fm> wrote:
Just saw these this morning:


Although a physical switch to kill the webcam and mic seems obvious,
this is the first laptop I've seen with them built in.

Overall thoughts?


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