"Wrong place at the wrong time." This is the platinum defense Blackwater and the USG used to excuse the murders. And the same used for any warfare collateral damage, strategic bombing of civiians, WMD mutually assured destruction, law enforcement killings, CIA killings, Mafia killings, drug kingpin killings, husbands and wives killing of each other and their kids, abortion killings, gun-lovers killings, slaughter of indigenous peoples, military slaughter of all kinds -- why the very lament of every killer who is caught red-handed, blood dripping with body-armored thrill. Indeed, this exculpation is taught in the drone operation schools, top military academies, in special operations and covert operations schools, in basic training to teach newbie killers to use force against defenseless targets, in foreign policy universities and think wankerages, in richest clubs of murderers gulping tankards of blood-red wine toasting asymmetrical carnage of worldwide finance, law and religion. Business schools most bloody-minded, eminent domain and taxpayer subsidy for predation Course 101. Millions of people have been, are, and will be, slaughtered by this very rationale of repugnant cowards who are sexually gratified by obliterating helpless creatures who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even a small percentage of the killers suffer this fate, but they are honored with grotesques displays of bloodless sparkling uniforms, weeping families, snoring encomiums of sacrifice, luxurious caskets flag-draped, tooting of bugles and firing of rifles (!), then dumped in the same ground as their hapless victims to rot and be eaten by worms enjoying being in the right place at the right time. At 07:10 AM 4/16/2014, you wrote:
Do you have any evidence that any of those victims were targeted for any reason other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time? You seem to be conflating war with companies exercising a variant of eminent domain.