On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 09:46:18 -0700 Rayzer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
AM I making my point for you? Stop making this about LGBTs. It’s NOT about LGBT-s!
OK. Let me spell it out for you. Yesterday's false flag attack was obviously about gays. The evil muslamic terrorists hate gays - and gays are a minority that has always been deeply admired in the Western, Judeo-Christian, Democratic Nations. That's why an attack against gays is such an outrage. Hm. Wait. Something's off. Gays have been despised in the jew-kristian cesspools for ages, HOWEVER, somehow, right now it's become politically expedient to pretend to care about gays. So, an attack against gays is just the thing you need if you want more 'progressives' to support your bombing, 'civilizing' efforts against non-american sub-humans.
The VICTIMS WERE perhaps Gay-identified, but it’s REALLY THE CHICKENS COMING HOME TO ROOST <http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=http%3A%2F%2FThe+Politics+of+a+Perpetrator+Population+&t=NmM3NzJkNWY1OTg2ZDkxNjQzNDAyZjM0YjRjZDI1MTZlZjk1YTVmNyxUcHh6UG5TaQ%3D%3D> folks… YOU ALLOW the thugs to be protected and nurtured but people with drive ambition and the willingness to work hard are rejected… Sent back to their countries often to be tortured and killed… FOR YOUR WAY OF LIFE and the continuation of it … AND IT IS KILLING YOU NOW. It’s the end result of “The Politics of a Perpetrator Population”.