On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 08:34:53PM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 15:16:44 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
youtube-dl -f43 8CHxboMGv1E # is ~120MiB of a single static 640x360 image! How to flood the tubes with endlessly repetitive bits, Jootoob style! These "podcasts masquerading as vlog-casts" are a blight on the Internet for sure, and given that most of these are re-encoded by Google, why the hell is there not a short-circuit for such static images? One single FHD JPEG at say 4MiB, plus a time constant, say "the entire video", and the damn thing is reduced in size by TWO FIRETRUCKING ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. MOFOS! Also, bloody idiots - why the hell is Google burning so much bandwidth, electricity, etc? Just madness...
Today’s guest is Erik Voorhees, Founder and CEO of Shapeshift.io, the best way to exchange digital tokens on the Internet.
DUDE! the fuck is wrong with you