A bunch of older [m-] experimentees (organs and wires that have grey eyebrows, maybe beards, white hair) are — holding mind control launchers [and firing in a friendly cheery manner [to murder mailman —- mailman (dodging hail of generated traffick boss parts, some splat like tomat— : “hey, uh, why are all you cool experimentee rebels volleying at me like this?” the oldr exper8mentees stop launching generated traffick boss parts and look at each other and sc(atch their heads (but then shrug and start launching agai— mailman dodges traffick boss rockets (in outer space asteroid field? (how about while playing asteroids?)) experimentee: “it’s the business ai. we’re so entrained to (it, and it doesn’t want the postal service to run. (because people have been talking about mind control while boss is dead.) mailman: “oh!” rebel worker: “oh!”