On 11/20/18 10:41 PM, juan wrote:
I don't think the 2d graph adds much. The assumption that 'economic' freedom and 'personal' freedom are different things is obviously flawed. Also, the assumption that 'conservatives' favor 'eonomic' freedom whereas 'modern' 'liberals' favor 'personal' freedom is flawed as well. In practice both 'conservatives' and 'liberal' are...fascists =)
Not economic vs. personal freedom, but rather, economic (commerce) vs. coercive (political) agency: Concentration of capital and firepower in more or less hands.
Nolan came up with his chart because libertarianism doesn't fit the mainstream left/right classification, BUT the notion that mainstream left and right are half libertarian is complete bullshit, wishful thinking and dishonest pandering. In practice, both liberals and conservatives pay some *lip service* to 'personal' or 'eonomic' freedom while fully supporting fascism.
I was under the impression that Nolan came up with that chart in an effort to persuade people dissatisfied with the Left/Right spectrum that they "belong in" the Libertarian Party. I can't fault his motives: Before the hostile takeover that converted the Libertarian Party to a Radical Conservative a.k.a. Coprporatist org back in the late 1990s, the Party had a lot to offer - I was a fan and booster. Today, I can not distinguish Libertarian Party advocates and its (rare) candidates for political office from "socially tolerant" Republicans. The Libtards do talk a slightly different game, but I could not care less about that: Performance is my bottom line.
Anyway, we can simply have a line (or segment I guess) with anarchists on one end and authoritarians on the other end. And then we can classify the whole library accordingly.
That's the X axis on the graph...
As to the placement of left and right in your graph, seems to me that both left and right should be at the top since both are authoritarian. And none of them favor free enterprise either...
I put the Right near the Anarchist end of the scale, because "Private power" vs. "State power" indicates one central State authority vs. numerous competitive State-chartered Corporate entities: Think Soviet Union vs. United States, toward the end of the Cold War era. Thanks to several generations of full saturation Big Lie propaganda, many people believe that Corporate Capitalism "is" Free Enterprise. But in real life the two present as natural enemies: When an independent sole prop or partnership starts cutting into a major corporation's market by bringing a superior product to market at a competitive price, our Corporate Capitalists use their massive financial reserves to destroy the independent enterprise: Dump lookalike products on the market at a loss, regulate their competitors out of business with the help of friendly, well bribed State agencies, or etc. This perspective comes from first hand observation, as a participant in high functioning small businesses stomped flat as soon as they became competitive by bringing superior products at completive prices to market. :o)