On 10/17/15, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net <wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net> wrote:
"Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country.
"Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:"
Thanks for the heads up - the last time you posted part 1, I found it too depressing to go very far and it was all "yeah, of course" for me... This time, well it's good to be reminded, as well as read some new ways to view aspects of the world which may beg for comprehension otherwise, eg: "Stupidity is an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction. It’s why operations run by bad people always go bad. And why, since the Deep State is run by bad people - sociopaths are actively drawn to it - it will necessarily collapse." Anyway, today these two articles kept me reading to the end, Thanks.