Check out my recent article and the mention of "metaverse and money": https://litigationfinancejournal.com/potential-uptick-in-ip-finance-and-inve... Also, check out the Citibank highlights below! Potential Uptick in IP Finance and Investment on the Way - Litigation Finance Journal Law Business Research’s IAM-Media.com has published new guidance that the United States and European patent and intellectual property marketplace will soon experience increased activity. West U Capital is making headlines in the United States as a powerhouse with a patent and trademark pedigree hard to match. In other news, Europe will soon open its Unified Patent Court (UPC), which is rumored to represent over 24 of the 27 European Union member states. Over 40 countries are eligible to join the UPC, helping to solidify the notion that increased IP marketplace activity should be expected forward. IAM-Media.com has collated an outline of several <https://www.iam-media.com/article/ipbc-global-2022-chicago-day-three-report?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=linkedin> global patent and trademark marketplace events for litigation investors to consider. Specifically, trends point to an inflow of capital in patent, trademark and intellectual property portfolio building. Trends also suggest a growing disparity between United States and European risk as trends point to Europe’s UPC being a conduit for aggressive IP claims against US enterprises. As an added bonus, Litigation Finance Journal has included 33 highlights <https://www.iam-media.com/article/ipbc-global-2022-chicago-day-three-report?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=linkedin> to Citibank’s Metaverse and Money report that includes several IP and trademark issues expressed by leaders in the United States, Europe and Russia, that could become part of UPC portfolios.