Check out my new article:

Allen Fagin is Bullish on Litigation Finance

Allen Fagin is a former partner of Proskauer Rose LLP, where he served as the firm’s chairman from 2005 to 2011. Today, Mr. Fagin is a senior advisor and board member of Validity Finance LLC. Recently, Mr. Fagin penned an op-ed for Reuters Westlaw on the innovative aspects of litigation finance that are contributing to the United States’ legal system. 

Writing in Westlaw Today, Mr. Fagin reports that litigation finance is now widely embraced by large firms, with 76% of in-house attorneys reporting usage of ligation finance tools. Mr. Fagin goes on to assert that legal finance will continue to grow in popularity over the next decade. Fagin forecasts that many law firm leaders will continue to explore the benefits of litigation finance to meet and even exceed client expectations, while expanding the firm’s bottom line. 

Fagin points to new research findings of the 2021 Law Firm Business Leaders Report, published jointly by Georgetown Law and the Thomson Reuters Institute … highlighting that 80% of law firm leaders are empowered to drive innovation in their office. While this seems exciting, the same study points out that 47% of respondents felt that firm partners were a barrier to such innovation. 

Check out Fagin’s complete op-ed to learn more. 

Gunnar Larson - |
MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
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