On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Anonymous Remailer (austria) wrote:
tracking down the bastards
How it started...
Sophisticated Virus, Parasite and Resource Management systems are to be constructed to alter or report on the operation of a designated target. Specific systems include the Tape Worm, a low profile smart Parasite featuring comprehensive resource management operations, the Stealth Striker, an ultra low profile targeting virus, the Transport, an ultra low profile utility virus used to transport, load and excecute large programs and various surveillance and maintenance systems. Virus/Parasite objectives include securing a stable base, fixing, relocating and reproducing in teh target system, the ability to find and infect other systems, alter/record/monitor/recall computer operations, and alter/record/monitor/recall data and output. The effort will also produce a Code miniaturization strategy and apply the principals to the EMC programs. compact Task Oriented Routines are designed to create code to perform assigned tasks.
another winner of the Phase 1 grant was Sparta, Inc. 23041 Avenida De La Carlota,, Suite 325 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Principal Investigator DOUG PRICE
Afraid this was a late follow-on to the 1987 program out of Ft. Monmouth (via Battelle/DARPA at USAF request). The RFP outlined above is nearly a word for word copy of the one I saw in 1987 (right around the time of the Morris Worm). The company I worked for at the time actually bid on it (and lost, thank god!). //Alif -- Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. An American Spring is coming: one way or another.