"Inordinate wealth" (i.e. enslaving other humans) can be achieved with property ownership - the owner then becomes a land lord, collecting rent; that's difficult to achieve with NO property ownership
On 5/16/16, Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:>
Maybe they are news gathering to scope out where the next good eats are
Basically this. Unless the current occupants are the ones both - setting up the system - with their names on the title in the end Bringing God to the godless usually isn't wanted and doesn't help. Z:
i.e. if you're allowed to live in your house without paying rent, grow food without someone taking that food, and barter than food and your work efforts without being taxed and can travel freely, then you are essentially free - BUT land and property OWNERSHIP fucks that all up.
Once you give up your voluntary rights, it starts looking dismal fast... https://www.google.com/search?q=no+property+tax https://www.google.com/search?q=no+income+tax https://www.google.com/search?q=no+sales+tax