On Sat, 29 May 2021 22:30:45 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Keep claiming that Corona doesn't exist and/or isn't killing or contributing to death by other causes, that there aren't any statistical excess death rates, new hospital situations, etc. All without providing any evidence,
last but not least, a few more 'free' facts for you. I provided 'evidence' coming from germany and japan, two countries that happen to be the 3rd and 4th biggest 'economies' on the planet. Japan was #2 until very recently. Those two 'first world' cuntries also happen to be two arch-enemies of the US CUNTS. And interestingly enough their govt propaganda isn't as unhinged as that of the US and other vassal states. oh and another free fact ; 'vaccination rate' in japan is 6%.