On Sep 27, 2016, at 12:02 PM, xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
I'll leave out your contortions of things I've said, willful ignorance of what I meant, and your attacks. They aren't worth the time. There were, however, two useful morsels in amongst the mess, otherwise:
Are you trying to say the slave owners of the American South did not actually benefit from their slave possessions?
Big picture: the harm they did led to a civil war which enabled their federal government in a power grab.
Small scale perspective? Yeah, they benefited. Larger scale? No, they lost a great deal, and the American south went from being wealthy to being poor.
Thanks for the wonderful example, in fact.
Hmm.. if you really look at “the big picture” here, and imagine an America that never had African slaves, I doubt the south would’ve had any substantial wealth to lose. Certainly nothing like it was. The USA was able to progress very quickly on the back of slave labor. Fucking country was built on the back of slavery. Who knows what would would have happened in North America if there had never been the (despicable) expedient of cheap, African slaves…. But these are all just games in alternate history at this point. You can take the magnifying glass for the “big picture” as close or as far away as you want, I suppose… John