-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 02/25/2016 01:45 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 04:06:27PM -0800, Rayzer wrote:
FWIW I don't see how the feds can force Apple to assign an employee to do anything not in their job description without violating that employee's contract, or their civil rights, and writing code to crack phones isn't in any Apple job description, but tightening phone security is...
I am pretty sure this won't stop Apple if they want to unlock it.
Are you familiar with their job descriptions (I am not)?
According to links here from this month, few years ago Apple unlocked many phones per feds requests.
That would be this article by Declan McCullagh: https://tinyurl.com/zve7maf iPhones are so user friendly that they include pre-installed forensic tools for their users in the LEA and DoD community: https://tinyurl.com/z6fll9r OSX is also very friendly to users who might want to know about every file ever downloaded by a Mac they have access to: https://tinyurl.com/ctkambp iTunes included a "defect" that LEAs used as a back door into user systems for three years, per the UK Telegraph: https://tinyurl.com/7zfubdz Apple owes it to their shareholders to market to the U.S. Department of Defense, including participation in bidding on the most powerful end user identification, tracking, surveillance, manipulation and targeting platform that has ever been publicly disclosed: http://wiki.project-pm.org/wiki/Romas/COIN Apple markets its products as fashion accessories for Liberal Arts majors; keeping the Apple brand's public image intact via a cost effective Big Lie propaganda program is the least it can do for its shareholders. https://www.apple.com/customer-letter/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWzuIuAAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0LUboP/3ef2Q5SaPMakTMy6LYB7ogb T1XuKGeD/x5hf3/5TUQeNDeKlKLKKBCk7BKkdfisiCntbTv6pUC4Go473MHwKKza ZCX2kuPJW1Lk//a2a5cDSoBWnmwUjWAgaVgofZdjN8F8eMcHpe/OtUorqnIy+Bv9 bsOp1ziKvSjXJjZ0/Kjbj9urk0EJd6Ooq+u2E46ZQMXmXVEjmH4+shu3z8hM39EC GcUWlzYhJxP71iYJVmIZVDgnOn+GeWQM6kSOVMDmRvotyFXFInPKehb1QF2SzK8x kudFBY39eCNTGUU7ugtIQFCDcghuy+L4qskIzFCBfb+Uj0RnAwwm4jdYHyk+g+iU g07s5BkRPKnyIaQm4Rrm9YiZN0HfJEC5FOzyc+c3gansF+qqCBFx1kQcSaSTfKYH Mhy8VlUfw+7Ix0uUTdrWKBZnxP95CJ+H+R6a9tNIsETu+/Zg6x2s3XA3pDucaWaf AK8hx+t/FGH2wrffgRU4k4SkR7cc0xaYnaLpyJP0CP2Mwwu9iUIUFfgJUay9sThM E6aPaNBokjUuINX4WylWZ4sbV6a3007ea1sFX2uedEm4hl6pMP4cn2H5kACJbJWO UYiAoP1QwraQxDnjSQhTxczmt27EnkuQMSQKII2xkKnOHe+Wk5aECBlR1enhAdC+ fAi4SoW+evO+dOc4pkFj =dyEv -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----