why is mind control boss on the cyoherpunks list? regarding karl posting the phrase, i found a slightly similar behavior, an idea on i had a confidence develop (personal term: hlh) during the start of my experience, and it was very confusing to me that my mind felt so certain of it but couldn’t give a reason for it. for years i have wondered and asked my mind about this confidence, without bringing it to sense — [the new idea is that a behavior or influence in my mind was able to bring parts of it closer, and wire them a little tighter, to possibly be able to pull what i see as reasons out of parts of the system. i’ve experienced this clearly in many many ways, my habits and reflexes binding tightly and quickly maybe like relearning them during neural damage. so part of an idea of why these things happen, could include a cognitive influence experience, where things bind tighter. the habit stimulating a feeling of confidence withiut engaging reasons. one thing that’s interest8ng is there were a number of reasonable reasons for this, but not sufficient, just reasonable, and my mind doesn’t go to them to explain it, kind of, when i try to feel it out. another thing i’ve been tyinking of regarding a lot of my experience is how processes can relate with reward experiences. something called the “default mode [network”] — anyway it seems like this idea of feedback with reward, and gentle change of highly influential cognitive patterns, internal repetition / circuits, and [habit-like shapes rather than informed considering and feedback and relation shapes — could may help explain ideas }] — it moves the idea of “reason” into a different space around why influences might be there, the value of coping, what benefits what, and the behavior of a mind experience neural or other acontextually reasoned change, which is very confusing when there’s a strong assumption of doing things for reasons, and there is a lot to still consider. it is nice that further reasons tend to emerge — the things we do have use, and build from need for this use, in some space …