On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 19:27:34 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
Fake Libertarians seem to play a large part in this dialogue.
Would you care to describe the difference between Fake and Real Libertarians, as you apply these terms?
Until then we can only guess...
I think I gave more than a few hints, but for completness' sake : fake libertarians support, among other things : 1) big business 2) theocracy 3) censorship 4) the 'minimal' or 'limited' state 5) imperialism - see ayn rand's 'philosophy' of ethnic cleansing 6) 'voluntary' slavery - see walter block 7) feminazism 8) 'social conservatism' 9) 'voluntary' authoritarianism That's off the top of my head. There prolly is more stuff I'm forgetting. As to true or actual libertarians, they would oppose all of that.