On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:15 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <phill@hallambaker.com> wrote:
How about linking to... http://fuckoff.com/
And if you're still worried, develop stuff anonymously, in/over anonymous networks.
And if they still care to bother to find you, then your country's obviously shit and you need a new one.
I'm not the type of crypto hacker that develops a strong encryption scheme just to disable NSA mass surveillance.
I'm trying to be the type of crypto hacker that develops a strong encryption scheme to disable NSA mass surveillance and then sells the same scheme to the NSA to secure all those documents that Snowden and Manning leaked.
If you want to support / enable your government in that fashion and purpose, that's your choice. Maybe after thinking more on all the questionable things it is doing under secrecy, you and others might make a different choice.