The term ' Left anarchist' ought to be a redundancy. Unfortunately we still have idiots calling themselves ' Anarchist Communists '! The exploding cryptoanarchist revolution might have to sweep out a few ' Soviet Anarchists' in the next few years - even if the alleged majority " Class Struggle anarchists ' just melted into dew. Funny Btc-anarchist story. I got interested in 2014, buying into a falling market and hodling through the years up to the start of 1917. Sometimes up slightly - sometimes down, but always in the hundreds, not the thousands. So then I sense a small disturbance in the crypto-cash force and offered to write a short article for " Anarchist News ' on crypto-currencies. It was planned as a very dry and conservative general outline finishing with a warning to only invest what you could afford to lose. They declined my offer and even began censoring my comments so it was Shadenfreudalicious to watch the rest of 1917 play out in the Btc market. What makes it even sweeter is they remain resolute no-coiners to this very day. Such 'anarchists' are really left-communists and nihilist nitwits. The net treats morons like this as damage all the time. Best revenge? Living well and listening to the lamentations of morons.