Care to elaborate? I can mathematically prove any theorem, then implement it in C and segfault the kernel. How is this different?
These proofs tie a meta-specification to the actual code. Look into the sort of proofs they use. Basically they're saying "the code does what we said it has to. Only if we accidentally told it to go skynet on us, it will work perfectly". Things like segfaults would be pretty clearly not as specified. But of course the specification may also contain bugs as opposed to the human-intended specification. But this is also something they explain, just read about their proofs and proof system. (This is all IIRC from last time I checked it, which is a pretty while ago) 2014-07-29 16:14 GMT+02:00 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com>:
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 07:04:05PM +0200, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
2014-07-28 18:35 GMT+02:00 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com>:
I have a rough outline for a "cloud computing grid" that verifiably:
verifiably? _really_ provable stuff is a very scarce resource IMHO (especially in crypto. do you need crypto? Do you need P \ne NP?).
Yes, it needs crypto. I said verifably because "proving" an untamperable hardware box (IOW: you can only plug it in, nothing else) is what the spec says it is, is, well, impossible.
Don't think what you wish is possible, but don't mind you dreaming :)
Aha, but it is possible :) Dream along if you like! IIRC _theoretically_ it is possible to run
trusted program on untrusted hardware with the catch that you need some additional "proof" - this was a paper can't find at the moment.
I think you're talking about trusted computing, and I'm not talking about trusted computing :). I've seen some examples of trusted computing but the operation set was always not Turing complete. It might work, actually, but I don't see how. The system I'm talking about it not just a software system. It also involves hardware. The hardware will be created centrally, in batches. Probably by a third party and certainly checked by several independent observers to make sure it goes according to an open sourced specification. The devices from those batches can be plugged in and maintained by untrusted parties. IOW: they're shipped off to individuals who'll plug them in anywhere. The devices are tamper-proofed to such an extend that that is possible without exposing the sensitive data kept on them. The software that (as verified by the third parties present in manufacture) runs on the devices cannot snoop on the programs running on the system. The devices network together, likely over the Internet but maybe also radio. They Onion route all traffic. Etc. etc. Programs run on them but they cannot know what the program is doing. They're not updateable. They will all slowly fail and to make sure there's still places you can run your software there is generations. So a next batch forms a different computing grid. I'm repeating bits and peaces, but I want to be sure that you can see that it's a hardware design made useful by a software solution to fault proofness and program "location".