France's Gilets Jaunes protests are going stronger than ever, with the ever lame Main Stream Media playing it down as always. For Act 14, Saturday 15th February (courtesy The Saker): Goverment protestor count estimate: 41,000 French police protester count estimate: 230,000 while the government continues to fast track "justice" system arrests and convictions by the 100s every week. Go the French - putting most of us to shame :) Yellow Vests get blasted! Gilets Jaunes, Acte 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYwJY2dspeQ Mass arrests, trials for Yellow Vests shocking France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ihnlw5JMxc February the 22nd Gilets jaunes SITREP http://thesaker.is/february-the-22nd-gilets-jaunes-sitrep/ Touching video re all wounded: https://francais.rt.com/france/59060-temoignage-fiorina-lignier-qui-a-perdu-... [saker] Fiorina, 20 years old, lost an eye due to a grenade caught in the head while, as she recounts, she was on the sidewalk opposite the hooligans. The CRS did not target the hooligans but those across the street, as she explains. Doctors will soon put a prosthesis to give her back a more normal appearance. On this video we see a cop throwing tear gas at elderly bystanders not even wearing a Yellow vest. https://www.facebook.com/Giletjaunes2018/videos/2323878237660778/ This one is a presentation of the different victims who have been amputated or lost an eye https://www.facebook.com/LeMediaOfficiel/videos/258990118328095/ In this one we clearly see nurses being attacked with tear gas while treating an injured person. https://twitter.com/i/status/1094651031525511169 In this one, a young girl simply sitting on the floor is violently arrested and handcuffed. She will be taken into custody. https://www.facebook.com/giletjauneJOJO/videos/352051138972024/ And this one, produced by the Human Rights League, shows a collection of treats that the CRS gave to the Yellow vests https://www.facebook.com/GiletsJaunesAnonymous/videos/615180748942224/ This one is a must see because it shows a Yellow vest, which is trying to push other mates to throw stones, arrested by the police. He then says, “No, no, guys, I’m with you”. Of course the police don’t believe him and keep pulling him. An officer arrives, says a few words to them and, then, they simply release the guy. This video shows that the police are blending in with the Yellow vests and trying to stir up violence. https://www.facebook.com/bigbuzzvideo/videos/542589386234144/ France's oligarchy class are choosing actions in an interesting way... On Mon, Feb 04, 2019 at 09:22:12AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Latest Gilets Jaunes tally (these are minimums, there may be more):
- 10 lost their physical lives - 19 lost an eye - 4 lost a hand - 1 (a fireman protester) still in a coma - 94 seriously injured - 1700 wounded
Couch potato Americans have NOthing on the French!
Above stats from combination of le Wiki ("as of 14 January") and Zerowedgie:
May be stand, join the yellow vests, or kick off the yellow vests in your town/ city/ etc?
Or cease complaining about being enslaved...
On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 04:51:35PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Left" and "right" uniting in Gilet Jaunes/ Yellow Vests - you'll never guess this one amazing secret to being dumped in prison, regardless of your political beliefs :D
Les unity of purpose, egality (political commonality) of cause, equality of intention.
What could it be?
Nom. Le. Juif. #HashtagChant
Read it and wonder at diversity united:
Le Parisian (Francais): http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/alain-soral-condamne-a-un-an-ferme-pou...
Le Daily Stormer (Englais): Stormer, Volume 74: I Salute Alain Soral – Yellow Vests Week 10 https://dailystormer.name/stormer-volume-74-i-salute-alain-soral-yellow-vest...
Alain Soral was sentenced Thursday to one year in prison by the Criminal Court of Bobigny. The far-right essayist was found guilty of racial insult, provocation and incitement to racial hatred over a statement made against a prosecutor on his website Equality and Reconciliation: “Jews are manipulative, domineering and hateful.”
Against the magistrate, he said: “I have never heard so many lies and dishonesty out of the mouth of a woman, and I’ve known a lot of sluts.
… [Far right activist] Hervé Ryssen [and far left activist Alain Soral] are about to do a rally together.
[Perhaps why Francais courts 'ave bin instroocted to dump their goyish arses in jail, le pronto.]
At this moment the Jewish occupation government of France is so obsessed with cracking down on dissent, the left and right are now converging on the single common issue …
[Le golem awakens.]
Dissidents like Soral and Ryssen are given massive political capital. Those sentenced to French courts for speech right now are ipso facto seen as heroes to massive numbers of French populists, a fraction of which are now in the streets every weekend. Speaking of those populists, their movement is still going strong. They lit the City Hall in Avignon on fire.
Arch Angel Gabriel's ~4,500 year plan for le juif to compound debt kike le goy, has finally caused some awareness in said goy that he no wanna be fiat slave?
Authorities on high appear to refrain from action to change le rules but that folks unite in their voice and stand their cause in action.
Create your world,
On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 11:11:24AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Journalist gets 6 months prison for giving “the impression that you are at the center of information” and creating a FaceBook page calling for the Yellow Vests.
To give the French courts credit though, young Hedi Martin was so audacious as to post "Facebook Live videos depicting his protest activities".
Tut tut, humans, the 11th commandment "Though shalt not challenge thy voted authorities" must be recited more often...
Macron sure knows how to foster public faith in his "public dialog", yes?
Though the MSM continues to downplay the Gilet Jaunes - I'm sure our good French Grits shall keep it up, yo! :)
Journalist Given Six Months in Prison for Organizing Yellow Vests Protest on Facebook https://russia-insider.com/en/journalist-given-six-months-prison-organizing-yellow-vests-protest-facebook/ri25956?ct=t(Russia_Insider_Daily_Headlines11_21_2014)&mc_cid=c92f15dfcf&mc_eid=5110f4b440
… In recent weeks, sectors of the French ruling class have called on the French president to pull out all the stops to liquidate the Yellow Vest protests.
Last week, former education minister under Jacques Chirac, Luc Ferry, demanded that French National Police be allowed to gun down protesters who attack police officers.
Describing protesters as “cunts,” the former minister said “when you see guys beating up an unfortunate policeman on the floor, that’s when they should use their weapons once and for all. That’s enough!”
On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 09:17:36AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Shirt is real folks!
'Tis simple y'all - claim le round-a-bouts, lose a life, limb or eye ball here and there, bring your goverment to its knees:
Death toll in French 'yellow vest' protests rises to nine https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-protests-idUSKCN1OJ1IV …demonstrators kept up major disruptions of road traffic…
Face your fear already - join with others - create your world!
Macron remains not only staunchly defiant in the face of 17% popularity and 70% support for the Yellow Vests, but continues to ratchet up the force against the people, this time a father of three fireman is put in a coma, bringing the likely death toll to half a dozen - because what's an eye-ball or the life of a white man worth anyway you racist pig?
Democracy in action folks.
For everything else, there's International Bankers.
Macron seeks "public debate" to gain breathing space for his rat government termiting France, yet promises "literally nothing" and continues to vehemently promise to never shift ground from his election stance of global warming taxes and infinigger immigration of Somalis fleeing a devastating war in Syria.
How is that supposed to inspire anyone to a "citizen" "debate"?
France: Yellow Vest Fireman in a Coma After Getting Shot in the Back of the Head by Cop https://dailystormer.name/france-yellow-vest-fireman-in-a-coma-after-getting... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6593807/Shocking-video-shows-firema...
WAR ZONE French ‘Yellow Vest’ protester has hand BLOWN OFF by grenade as country descends into violence and bloodshed https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7936392/french-yellow-vest-protester-has-hand-...
'Police shot at us deliberately': Friend of French woman who lost eye in Yellow Vest clashes to RT https://www.rt.com/news/446389-france-police-target-civilians/