On 02/26/2017 06:20 PM, grarpamp wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Henry Baker <hbaker1@pipeline.com> Date: Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 4:16 PM Subject: Re: [Cryptography] Schneier's Internet Security Agency - bad idea because we don't know what it will do To: Ian G <iang@iang.org> Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
At 07:26 AM 2/25/2017, Ian G wrote:
Bruce Schneier has recently published an impassioned plea for a United States Federal Internet Security Agency, which would likely gain control of civilian cryptography, among many other munitions. The essay is impassioned, it is much longer than his normal 2 pagers, which signals something - belief, preparedness, foundation?
I saw this go by on my rss scroll the other day and I thought, as Mirimir said, "He's lost it". Rr