so where are the 'second generation coins'...?
Instead of being special asshole you can go search and post some, make wiki compendium, or go create some new generation.
history record... blockchain... immutable
Immutability of value held in UTXO does not necessarily depend on having any sort of rollable tx log from genesis. That is indoctrinated ridgid thinking imparted by old school first gen BTC. If however way one does reach and accept consensus over any set of facts, then all that led up to everyone's knowledge of that or their own particular state in time is irrelevant and can be discarded. Yes there are many use cases for "blockchain" tech where history preservation, view keys, nonprivacy, industry, application integration, messaging, inventory, voting, and all sorts of other memes may be useful. The blockchain space is flooded with thousands of examples of those projects. But for cash/metal/chickens/etc, which in all of history rightly has none of those memes... those use cases are not relavant, and impede optimal solutions to a minimalist pure digital cash. All one ultimately needs to know is did their own nominal value increase/decrease in relation to another's by some mutually trusted mechanism [1], be it hand to hand, or over digital distance. 1) That final entry, that UTXO, is all one needs. 2) And note very clearly that cash/etc even goes further by its final UTXO not having any "inputs" record at all... cash is a private ideal state of self existance without reference to or dependence on anything else. Any "cryptocurrency" project that does not implement one of those two forms of UTXO, the second being the highest form, is not absolutely not worthy of calling itself a cryptocurrency version of cash/metal/chickens. Instead, it is a crypto intended to do a bunch of random other bloated appfeature shit, that in some cases might happen to have some tokenizable transferable value, these days usually back to its GovCorp stock/stake holders. [1] Including principles of known issuance, nominal values and the transaction network both within cost bounds of attack immunity, a network capable of holding and/or honoring the consensus over the UTXO state db it produces, etc, etc. Far too many projects are simply blindly following the "Satoshi" "Genesis -> blockchain stored forever" model, they're assuming that's the only way the problems can be solved. What most are not doing is enough research into discovering other ways, or into proving that there is no other way. Too little looking "beyond the now traditional blockchain". This ongoing fundamental science research, the calls for and support for it under recognition that today's technology is very first gen and nowhere near being a complete field of work, are what appears to not being done enough. Or in case it is being done, it's being drowned out in noise from all the first gen Satoshi model self maximilism projects trying to dominate the scene. That's nature, but will be quite fun when further novel research catches and embarrasses them all out of the scene for good. That's another reason why cross-chain DEX (distributed, anonymous, noncustodial, atomic, etc) must be an absolute research development priority now today... like the need to escape trap of GovCorp, you don't want to be trapped in legacy coin models for 10, 100's, 1000's years. Cross-chain DEX is the freedom oriented path out of those.
Bitcoin_Satoshi_Vision-BSV ... for information preservation
That and all the rest of the Satoshi models do not then have the minimal set of properties cash does, therefore they are something different from cash, a message/storage/token net whatever, they are not a minimal cash. They are clearly lacking its privacy, non-bloat-storage, scaleability properties, among others. BSV Craig Wright has even voiced and brought some things into BSV and coinspace theory and talk that many people including cryptoanarchists might find highly undesireable, and that Satoshi never spoke. From patents, to attitude, to police state, regulation, and more. All feel differently on BSV. It's still a satoshi type coin, and like all launched coins is already baked, can't evolve much or quickly, regardless if people want them to or not. Hardly such thing as a single cryptocurrency one can like, only a set of evolving technologies, capabilities, simplicities. Cryptocurrency technology still obviously very early days, no coin considered sacred or special or guaranteed to last to even 20 years out. Therefore... The self maximalist single-coin insanity cults out there... must end. The shilling of pointless shitcoins, getrichcoins, clonecoins, metoocoins, scamcoins, partnercoins, foundercoins, corpcoins, bankcoins, govcoins, governedcoins, taxedcoins, kyccoins, votercoins, votedcoins, stablecoins, waroncashcoins, antiprivacycoins, censorcoins, closedcoins, cabalcoins, preminedcoins, centralcoins... all fiatcoins in general... must end. Blocksize debate... is a random configuration setting, not a meaningful fundamental underlying wholesale part, class, or sector of cryptocurrency technology development... must end. Less of those, more conferences on some fundamentals... OG cryptoanarchy cryptocurrency philosophy and movement, privacy, etc. General ongoing cryptocurrency tech research advancement. Use a variety of whatever is available now, but must develop and adopt good cross-coin DEX tech to shift between in future. Hardly any are trying to do a real featureless cash-only privacy coin, or a true DEX. Only selfless altruists will forgo embedding their premine, ongoing skim, and governance... and try incorporating resistance tech. Those the crypto projects to look at. The rest fiat scams. Unfortunately today they probably number n<=10:2500, if you can find post or create them, indeed.