>Nancy-Spungen, Zeynep A-hole is serial liar - like her Kadet- Nazi-Punk boyfriend . VICIOUS LIARS - GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
1-This woman is too short, I'm taller than her (about 17 cm) Her height: (155cm) My height (172 cm)
1.1-I'm taller than average length of women in my country.But Rat you're shorter than the height of the men in the country. You're almost as short as Nancy
2.Nancy also has a psychological disorder and hospital documents on it.(Just like you, ý’m not surprised)
2.1-I've never had a psychological condition
But you have
3-Important information:I never had a Nazi boyfriend.None of my ex-boyfriends were so ignorant.
3.1-You can't have a partner because nobody wants you.
4-I'm not a liar, but you're a liar like them
think you should do this to yourself Because you seem to need it.LOL