Experimentee: "It's true, in the research project, which was half simulation, we had to learn to enjoy killing each other. Things were kept such that we could somehow do this, and keep on going." Rebel Worker 2: "That's an illusion, not reality." Experimentee: "Well ..." Experimentee: "It's not all an illusion. But it's obivously _incredibly bad_. The habits you develop don't exactly protect your family." Boss's head floats off his shoulders. Brains come out of it like cheese, and squirm down into his neck, where there is some sputtering. Some different colored biomatter streams from his torso up back into his head, and his head lowers back to his shoulders. It doesn't look like he noticed. Experimentee: "What you mean is that it was brainwashing, and we should move through it." Rebel Worker 2: "Yeah." Experimentee: "Unfortunately, that is incredibly hard, because it included preparation for therapies Boss's contractors had run into at the time."