Art Director/Designer: Robert W. Wilvers
Photographer: Paul Seligman
Copyeditor: Gene Case
Agency: Jack Tinker & Partners, Inc.
Client: Rockefeller for President
The Last Vietnam.
We talk of Vietnam as we once talked of Korea.
"Let us drag ourselves from this quagmire, and we will live happily ever after..."
I am afraid that the next President will not escape so easily.
I say learn from Vietnam or be dammed to repeat it.
Our Vietnam policy was meant for the 1940's, for Western Europe, for the defense of democracies.
Yet we apply it in the 1960's, in Southeast Asia, in defense of people who do not know what democracy means.
And in wrapping this policy around Vietnam, we blinded ourselves to the real Vietnam. We assumed the enemy meant to seize land. We were wrong. He meant to disrupt government.
We sent troops in overwhelming number. We were wrong.
We shattered a small country's sense of responsibility.
We were preoccupied with the changing premieres and presidents in Siagon. We were wrong. It was in the village and countryside where government failed.
Now, peace give us a time to right those errors.
To stop turning this war into an American war. To move Saigon toward reform. To build a strong and trusted village government. To secure the people from terrorism.
And in Paris, to work patiently and persistently for peace.
At home we must have candor and trust. Americans must believe in government again, and government must believe in Americans. The day must pass where press officers say, "The people I work for don't want to hear bad news."
I say, face the truth. Trust the people with the truth. I say, do not fight change. Guide change.
I say we can make this Vietnam the last Vietnam.
And this is one reason why I run for President.