On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM, gwen hastings <gwen@cypherpunks.to> wrote:
... I am looking at resurrecting
mixmaster, mixminion and nym.alias.net nymserver designs from the various code wastebaskets and retrofit them with some newer encryption technology based on curve25519 and poly-1305 libsodium based algorithms and routines.
I believe there is sufficient demand to merit deployment of a good mix network. As well as perhaps web/other intake frontends due to the now prevalent a) dwindling free email b) demand by mail providers for phone authentication. As for operators, I'd reach out to the Tor, I2P, Bitcoin, etc operators. It's a shame that one of the hardest things to find these days is anonymous free speech in the simple form of the written word.