Maxine Waters is out to cancel all your Financial Freedom, Waters is a Corrupt hardcore "Democrat" Socialist well known for publicly Inciting the masses to Violence, and is also an EXTREMELY wealthy hypocrite. She believes that STEALING from you is good, and is a tyrant over and destroyer of Freedom that needs removed from office asap. https://cryptoslate.com/maxine-waters-turns-anti-innovation-argument-against... "There is no way an 85 year old multimillionaire who is advocating for the federal government to research CBDC implementation is representing their constituent’s best interests at all." "CBDCs are not the type of innovation that people want." "Once CBDCs are out that's it, lights out. End of freedom and democracy." "You know, i think this a race im willing to let the US lose to china. We don't need to be following in their authoritarian, surveillance state footsteps" "Would a CBDC help Maxine cover up her misuse of campaign funds again, like when she funneled all that money to her daughter?" "She’s horrible. Didn’t she defend SBF?" "Yeah, she's caught in pictures schmoozing it up with SBF courting each other, what a fraud!" "Maxine is a fool, search google for "Maxine Waters Thanks SBF for Being 'Candid' About FTX Collapse" she is legit stupid or something...or a psycopath like sbf." "When it all came out she threatened to subpoena him before her committee then backed out. $ I Wonder why$$?" "No way in hell she can actually explain what it really is and what the future impact of it is on our civilization. CBDCs are so bad for our privacy its disgusting." "85 year old piece of corrupt shit" "CBDCs will be the nail in the coffin in regard our privacy. Can’t believe there is not more resistance regarding these developments." "All these policians first needs to take classes and study about cryptocurrency first before making statements." "Aka how to get rich by accepting money from donors/lobbyists and doing as they say" "The best career option for psychopaths, narcissists and lazy people" "I am disappointed that (...) have taken such a deeply anti-innovation stance.” "We have heard that one multiple times before" "70+yo's in charge and CBDCs. Name a more toxic combo."