Correction. You know the REAL truth of Bradley/Chelsea Manning? S/He DOESN'T exist. It's all a creation from the Matrix, the all-seeing-eye. I know this, because the story is ME. This is the fallout when I was holding the 2012 Mayan prophesy with the stength of the US military, but then declined. The media wizards just didn't have a clue what had happened, and this story was created. It's a little more elaborate than that, but believe me, s/he doesn't exist. Poof-> marxos On 5/23/17, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
OTOH, Chelsea Manning,
You mean, Bradley Manning?
I suspect, due to her involvement
HIS involvement.
Chelsea is a very beautiful woman, my dear, and after years of prison and deep and cruel psychological torture, she is finally feeling happy. You don't need to 'love' her, but please respect her choices, her freedom, her life.
Reasoning: You don't need to love Hitler either, but respect his choices, HIS freedom, his life.
You are STOOPID.
The same about all transgenders, please. Thanks!
They are NOT transgender. Please stop insulting women! do you think they somehow inherit all the problems and uterus of a women just because "they feel like they are truly a woman inside" when THEY piss out their FUCKING DICK?
Fucking idiots!