Your lack of specificity as a way to keep trolling the convo has been noted over and over and over again by Juan.
Right. Because calling you out with a specific year which negates your statement is a lack of specificity. Why not just address the point about Stalin, and forced work camps for homosexuals, starting in 1933?
Are you too stupid to notice you've been (snigger) outed?
Are you too stupid to realize that you're wrong? Or too much of a socialist ideologue to prevent anything as optional as facts to sway your view?
AFAICT you're just collecting info to profile people for the Feds' social engineering ops.
Right. Because people with minds as powerful and acute as yours, which fail to even be able to address points of fact, are such a threat to the world order. And more generally, anyone that disagrees with you at all, must be an agent of the state. You might like to read up on self-supporting, delusory belief systems and brain-washing. Witnessing the general ineffectiveness of government-run programs generally, it is doubtful whether a State-run COINTELPRO-type op could be as effective as your own self-induced state of hypnosis.