MCBoss and Rebel Experimentee are toddlers taking a nap in the sunshine.
Baby MCBoss [puffs on fake cigar]: "Oh, I am so sleepy!"
Baby Rebel Experimentee: "I mind control you. Fall asleep. I will rearrange your organs -- I mean make you better while you sleep."
Baby Boss: "Oh? How will you make me better?"
Baby Rebel Experimentee [a gleam comes over their eye]: "When you wake up, part of you will no longer want your cigar. Events will be set in motion, and someday you will make me the leader of a world empire in your stead."
Baby Boss: "What is a world empire?"
Baby Rebel Experimentee: "A circus with a lot of fruit!"
Baby Boss [puffing again on tiny fake cigar]: "Hmm .. !"