Cypherpunks can analyze whether it's fishy for world leaders and agencies known spouting FHOTI, going dark, and bitcoin hate... to start stylishly trending 180 on such things. Always beware the sly smile of the politician. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ben Tasker <> Date: Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 6:56 AM Subject: [tor-talk] (UK) Parliamentary advice on Tor To: Interesting reading - the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) has published it's report on Tor and the (in)feasibility of blocking anonymous access for users within the UK. The document's a PDF, and the layout is questionable, but it's worth a read if you have 5 minutes. There are some interesting insights in there, from the perspective of what LEA's see. The overall summary though is - blocking anonymous access wholesale is not an acceptable policy option in the UK, and would impact on non-criminal Tor users. There _might_ be more appetite for legislating against Hidden Services, but enforcing it would be technologically infeasible. -- Ben Tasker -- tor-talk mailing list - To unsubscribe or change other settings go to