On 1/6/2018 4:43 PM, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Pretty sure I am three standard deviations above the mean.
Pretty sure that African Americans are, on average, two thirds of a standard deviation below the mean.
There are forty million African Americans, two hundred million whites.
It follows there are five thousand African Americans smarter than me, fifty three thousand whites smarter than me.
Oops, correction two hundred and seventy thousand whites smarter than me, five thousand black smarter than me. But this is irrelevant: Lewontin's Fallacy The problem is tribe formation and tribalism. Diversity plus proximity necessarily leads to war, and the rhetoric of Obama and Juan prove it. If we "did not build that", then we must have stolen it, so people of other races are going to take it back. And when it all turns to shit, they will conclude that we are somehow still stealing it.