On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 12:15:17PM -0700, Steven Schear wrote:
Alternatively, bio-engineering will make practical the efficient creation of liquid fuels from sunlight, water and CO2. No carbon footprint. No massive upgrades to utility grids, recharge vs. refueling time tradeoffs or distribution changes.
That would be cool! Either way, I think 8 years might be a little "optimistic", but it does seem we are in for some massive changes, at the very least with self-driving vehicles, not even taking EV into account..
Warrant Canary creator
On May 17, 2017 11:25 AM, "John Newman" <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
Kinda off-topic, but interesting.
https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/17/05/16/1942252/all- fossil-fuel-vehicles-will-vanish-in-8-years-says-stanford-study
http://business.financialpost.com/news/transportation/ fossil-fuel-vehicles-will-vanish-in-8-years-in-twin- death-spiral-for-big-oil-and-big-autos-says-study-that- shocking-the-industry
Stanford University economist Tony Seba forecasts in his new report that petrol or diesel cars, buses, or trucks will no longer be sold anywhere in the world within the next eight years. As a result, the transportation market will transition and switch entirely to electrification, "leading to a collapse of oil prices and the demise of the petroleum industry as we have known it for a century," reports Financial Post. From the report: Seba's premise is that people will stop driving altogether. They will switch en masse to self-drive electric vehicles (EVs) that are ten times cheaper to run than fossil-based cars, with a near-zero marginal cost of fuel and an expected lifespan of 1 million miles. Only nostalgics will cling to the old habit of car ownership. The rest will adapt to vehicles on demand. It will become harder to find a petrol station, spares, or anybody to fix the 2,000 moving parts that bedevil the internal combustion engine. Dealers will disappear by 2024. Cities will ban human drivers once the data confirms how dangerous they can be behind a wheel. This will spread to suburbs, and then beyond. There will be a "mass stranding of existing vehicles." The value of second-hard cars will plunge. You will have to pay to dispose of your old vehicle. It is a twin "death spiral" for big oil and big autos, with ugly implications for some big companies on the London Stock Exchange unless they adapt in time. The long-term price of crude will fall to $25 a barrel. Most forms of shale and deep-water drilling will no longer be viable. Assets will be stranded. Scotland will forfeit any North Sea bonanza. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Venezuela will be in trouble.
-- John
-- John