Background - Mange pled guilty to breaking-and-entering north-americano servers in the 90's Its alleged he TRIED breaking and entering norte-american servers AGAIN the next decade. Since this investigation began more charges have been alleged re-espionage, theft, etc with NSA/ CIA stuff. That just happened recently. It would seem to guarantee a swift and speedy extradition, but, you can probably second-guess the stock market better than any legal system. On the Bradass theft charges I don't think we have a dog in that hunt. Asshead washed his hands of Iraq in 2013. Why shouldn't we wash our hands of him? He waddles like a repeat crim and quacks like one...KABOOM! Better him than us. Now onto the NSA/ CIA stuff. Lots of opportunities to greymail the USG here. I don't see these charges going anywhere. We might pressure him to release them to us - maybe time-stamped / locked like a deadmans switch? Some tactical support might be justified here. On the other hand - what do we care about ANY corpse-media cretin? Hacking tools are highly perishable, I hear. Like opportunistic Aussie con-artists. Caveat lecter - you lie down with dogs... Finally what to make of Mange 2016? I think - for once! - the assclown finally did something revolutionary and cypherpunk! The problem though is attribution is NP hard and there were others ( Russian, Comey, the net ) equally involved. Bit like " Murder on the Orient Express"! It would be very cool - even world historical - to have US POTUS election kingmaker on your resume. But, Julio - you have to WANT it. Yrs in cypherpunk revolt - hit me up on IC when you get out.