It fails because it doesn't find any refs to download for the repo. It makes a 'graphql' query to a public arweave gateway?node? I think every arweave gateway supports a graphql norm, not sure. Anyway, it's at , which has a visual debugging interface as its default page. The failing query is query { transactions( first: 2147483647 owners: ["4LfIQQHyZvsCjTt-EOm4q6S-SvWLdQCh3cDD2-R3wp8"] tags: [ { name: "Type", values: ["update-ref"] } { name: "Repo", values: ["test"] } { name: "Version", values: ["0.0.2"] } { name: "App-Name", values: ["Gitopia"] } ] ) { edges { node { tags { name value } } } } }