notes “becoming yourself”, miller
it looks to me like we are not ready to share this chart accurately. ## begin quote As an example, here is how one survivor's internal programmer described his instructions: To turn on a programme hit the black button, speak the programme, and then press in the two-numbered code. To close the programme hit the red button, speak the programme, then press in the reversed two-numbered code.
note: to me, this sounds like what somebody would overhear somebody else say, remembered by parts that identify with/as the speaker, rather than do themselves. unknown! 1809 … 1809 - there can be multiple distinct program groups and the security wiring diagrams can be quite long (many intertwined programs made over many years to e.g. prevent communication of the programming (similar to cryptography :/)) 1813 1813 - all these things can be resolved and solutions are described in the book, _but_ it assumes there is stable and safe communication with enough insiders. (i’m on page 134 of this free ebook) 1815 1816 - professional deprogrammers can specialise in your kind of mind control and actually know a lot of important details, but are generally paid for only a few days of work and may produce superficial rather than lasting results 1820 1821 1825 *close hugs” be safe and cared for