On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 00:51:15 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
On 03/20/2018 12:23 AM, jim bell wrote:
'victimless crimes', such as ... illegal re-entry to America
I agree with the other examples you cited, but I would not call illegal (re-)immigration a victimless crime in all circumstances. I agree our immigration laws are broken as currently written and enforced; however, dealing with illegal aliens takes resources away from the rest of us,
assuming that was true, who is taking those resources? Oh wait, it's your fucking nazi government by means of taxation, also known as theft. So the criminal is your nazi government(as always) and the victims are the taxpayers. There, you got a free crash course on basic political philosophy for free! You're welcome.
especially given that they often do not pay the appropriate amount of taxes back into the system compared to someone here legally.
didn't your mommy teach you not to lie?