On 11/13/2016 02:40 AM, grarpamp wrote:
They can protest all they want, that's free speech.
And the issues are generally relavant / valid.
But they have no right legally or otherwise to be commiting
acts of physical violence upon other humans or causing
damage to others property. Doing that, and generally
acting like assholes, will and has got them delegitimized
by the people they're protesting against. Now it's mostly
just warm fuzzies for themselves, their backers and
their moderates.
Many of these 'liberal' protests in their blue dominated city
limits perhaps didn't vote and don't seem to be protest in red
regions. And both Clinton or Obama haven't said anything to stop it.
Bottom line, whatever their causes of the day are, they had
four years to work them into a vote. And ever since the primaries
to wage against any candidate too. Vote happened, and as
it appear nothing about the vote / process has made it to
any court lawsuit to date, they seem to have lost fair and square.
290 to 228 of the book, and only lead 0.49% of popular cast
between them. You can't always get what you want.
The presidency is one person take all, they know that.
Did they invest their half in Congress, apparently not either.
Another thing seems clear, both before and after election it
wasn't the right being mass violent and disrespecting the law
and the vote. Nor is it likely right would have if the right lost.
Last, US has been moving progressivly forward on its own
for decades, that's not changing, nor is punching people
out and damaging shit likely to speed it up, at all.
It would be different if left were a desperate 20% minority
last ditch with no other options but death. The situation sucks,
but there are likely other options all around. And they might
already being adopted..

# Billionaire Soros linked to anti-Trump protests - WikiLeaks

Which protest?

Let's me extrapolate on that... George Soros orgs funds activities on US campuses including political activities. Usually neutered and benign political activities. So if the students protest Soros is responsible right? "Six degrees" is enough... for STUPID PEOPLE to believe shit like that.

Same right wing trashtalk that the US governmment used to destroy the phlosophy department of universities in the US 'because they drove the anti-vietnam war movement' and in the process left students without the ability to critically analyze what they learn... The logic and rational thinking classes that replaced them, intended for technical students, was no substitute.

Locally a Soros org funded an initiative to 'prioritize police activities' and it passed, and you know... He never fronted the money to sue the city when they absolute ignored the new rule and created a packed committee with less than quorum that never ever meets.

That's the "power of Soros". Disruption, and no follow up.

Wikileaks is a disruptor too.

Exactly which protest or all you have is a rumor. I'd point out that Trump was elected because information we get is ALREADY STUPID-ED DOWN to the level of rumors = fact.

And you know, my eyes just sort of glaze over whenever I see the "Soros Trope". It reminds me A LOT of the "Rothchild Jewish Banker Trope" so popular with illiterate antisemites and racists.

Or the CIA distributed LSD and therefore created 'hippies', and other ignorant GENERALIZATIONS.

Now THERE'S a good example of how much control the conspiracy creators you love to hate actually have over human events.
