https://pinkapp.io/ https://pinkapp.io/pink-12-aug.pdf https://medium.com/@PinkApp https://twitter.com/@goPinkApp https://join.slack.com/t/pinkapp/shared_invite/MjMwOTM2OTIyMDU0LTE1MDM0MTQ5M... Escort Agency, Revolutionized - Monetizing Human Desire "If Silk Road had used this design, they’d still be online" Pink is the world's first anonymous escort agency, leveraging blockchain fundraising and payments with anonymity technology to operate in an extrajurisdictional fashion. Selling sex is a lucrative yet difficult trade, ripe for disruption.
From safety to quality, marketing to payment, problems abound for both parties. Pink eliminates risk and guarantees service, end to end. In doing so, we generate and capture immense value.
Marketplaces like Craigslist or Backpage create more problems than they solve. Buyers and sellers are left to fend for themselves. Such companies cannot and do not get involved in individual transactions. Pink transacts with both sides, acting as a true "Uber of Sex", delivering real customer service. Pink's booking commissions (12-25%) ensure significant profits to grow and deliver world-class service. Providers and clients only deal with Pink. We handle advertising, transportation, security, scheduling, legal costs, payments, and even taxes. For providers, Pink allows choosing the required level of verification of clients, and we guarantee payment. For clients, Pink assures accurate photos, health, and service levels - no more spam and fake profiles. In the case of any dispute, Pink acts as full mediator to ensure a fair outcome. Tinder Meets Buy It Now Clients swipe through providers to make a shortlist - more fun than browsing ads. Swipe up to Buy It Now! Hassle-Free Scheduling No more back-and-forth between multiple providers. See who's available and book instantly, with guaranteed availability! Perfect Profiles Pink personally, physically, verifies each and every provider on the system. What You See Is What You Get, Guaranteed. Get Rewarded Share the gift of love and both you and your friend will receive bonuses. As an active user, you'll automatically gain free services. Best Pricing Taking advantage of market data, Pink can dynamically adjust prices as well as A/B test photos and description text. Cash Accepted! Safe and Secure Being extrajurisdictional and anonymous, Pink minimizes legal risk for everyone involved. See our PDF for technical details. The First Post-ICO Blockchain Fundraiser Series A Token-Shares Sale Starts Sept 1 Pink is the first post-ICO era blockchain-fundraising company. Because Pink accepts cash, crypto currencies and eventually limited amounts of credit cards for payment, it does not need a token. Instead we will issue Token-Shares, also known as Blockchain Bearer Shares. The shares issued will receive dividends every quarter - a guaranteed minimum of 50% of profits. Pink will leverage blockchain smart contracts to track share ownership and distribute dividends. Token-Shares are issued in an ERC20-compliant token, making trading easy. On top of this, we will allow shareholders to opt into hidden ownership to allow them to remain fully anonymous. In such cases, we can distribute profits via Monero or other methods. As a full service company, Pink is geo-limiting its offerings at launch to ensure a safe and high quality operation. Pink aims to launch its first city in December, 2017. To do so, we are opening a small Series A investment round on Sept 1. We aim to raise $5,000,000 at $1/token-share. In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI). We can seriously fight sex trafficking! Pink will grow quickly, as the only global commercial organization that will stand up for sex providers. Working for Pink will be safer and more profitable than being independent or working for a local organization. We will have strict verification of provider ages, done via our own Pink contractors. We are working on measures to detect coercion and offer help to providers suspected of being coerced. Abusive clients will be banned and dealt with by our security personnel as warranted. If you are a stakeholder in sex worker rights and want to work with us to shape our policies, please email us.