Chicago School ties to Chile go as far back as 1955, when Theodore Schultz, Earl Hamilton, Arnold Harberger, and Simon Rottenberg visited to strike up an agreement with Catholic University in Santiago. And in related news… Mussolini was Catholic. Franco was Catholic. Dolfuss was Catholic. Himmler, head of the SS, was a Catholic. The SS was set up on the Jesuit model. Goebbels was Catholic. Hoss, the camp commandant of Auschwitz, was a Catholic. Frank,‘ the butcher of Poland ’, was Catholic. Ante Pavelic was a Catholic. Pinochet was Catholic. In the leadup to his presidential bid, Bukele courted the support of prominent evangelical leaders such as Edgardo Cardozo, Juan Carlos Hasbún, Dante Gebel, and hundreds of others. During a summit in 2018, evangelical leaders prayed and voiced their support of Bukele, underscoring how his commitment to anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage policies was a fulfillment of prophecy.