I am trying to test three digital cash addresses, BTC, LTC, and ETH. They are set up in the Coinbase system, but I have found that system to be very confusing: Lots of pitfalls and booby-traps.
Can some one send me a tiny amount of each currency to the following addresses. I will only need one try to tell me if it's successfull, so if you are intending to do so, call it out, and that will alert others that they need not follow.
Bitcoin (BTC) Address: 12QM4GU2WSjGiKacCKhsY4LJGf6rrtdBty
Litecoin (LTC) Address: LKFu2gAaRitruUgJeeVUeWobbE8dMwVQfK
Ethereum (ETH) 0xDB39D5f16645892AF9be93ddcF8e5d6E74BC2b83
For BTC, 0.0001 seems to be the smallest number represented in the Coinbase system, at least with an empty account. (It shows 0.0000)
Similarly, LTC and ETH are shown with a last-digit resolution of 0.0001.
Jim Bell