It could be that Gorka is no longer a supporter of Jobbik, I don't have the facts on that at the moment. Also, Gorka’s mother worked for the world’s greatest Holocaust denier, David Irving. So Gorka implicitly at the very least, but apparently quite explicitly, seeks to build "street cred" with actual conservatives in America. But the truth is Gorka has an Orca Army and is at war with conservatives, and recently slayed American Identity Movement leader Patrick Casey from Twitter. Soap, Groyper down, sadly - due to Gorka's Orcas. The funeral/ party has been moved to Telegram until the flame retardant at Telegram dissipates and another move is required... Team Groyp is on it and Gorca's daily show is now close to 100% groyp phone ins :D (Need something to fill in the time until the next Think Pad Update Services Association Q&A :D ) (For the record, Jobbik actually called for national lists of Jews to be made and kept by the government because Jews are a national security threat. ) Full details of the war at everybody's fav daily chan: Groyper Down: Patrick Casey Banned from Twitter as Gorka’s Orcas Gain Territory! http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/groyper-down-patrick-casey-banned-from-twitter...