also gotta say: i think the surveillance system has created the unique conditions necessary for a grand-inquisitor like interrogation of each and every view and belief, from any and every angle, eventually. beyond just panoptics of a prisoner, if this technical omniscient observation provides a form of accounting, assessing and checking the truth of a given statement against known truth versus known falsity, perhaps a potential liminal condition (if purgatory) for willful error-correction or else, then it may create the perhaps unbelievable scenario whereby people can no longer get away within lying. that is, making the world impossible for liars to exist within, in their beliefs and actions, within most biological (versus programmed) behaviors that may involve tells or indications of falsity & deception. think of how that could benefit humanity, if liars could not be allowed to continue lying via loopholes and must account for the situation in terms of actual truth as combined from all viewpoints total. that this is the place of citizenry, not held outside of it, denied this condition of shared truth in which to exist. every last idiot view and false beliefs could be taken down in their hierarchical 'superior' positions, held to account and checked against larger truth than just whatever is narrowed as finite justification. in that truth would have to be accounted for, in the equations and people capable of dealing with it, not denying it and gaming the system for self-benefit via corruption and continual rigging of the game which is not a game for those dying and suffering in misery due to such malice and mendacity. how many times has the wall that is encountered, the barrier, involve the power of ignorance and use of denial of truth to enforce limits, to devolve relations and interactions. what if surveillance has a positive attribute in terms of accountability beyond just witness, also as analyst. someone tends to move through the world via lies and exploitation of others around them, and fights against those who seek accountability and use of reason to mediate issues, who then become enemies, and actions taken against these people accounted for systematically, judiciously, yet never accounted for in a context of greater truth of situations. peoples lives destroyed so others may rise, truth lost in the process. what if all of it was captured via surveillance. what if a person was held to account for their observance and service to truth, versus exploitation of this, say to gain power, prestige, money, by subverting truth. it seems like every last word and utterance, phone, articles, emails, chats, would allow such analysis especially of known false views and beliefs and ideologies. maybe just the daydreams of executioners. though it would be interesting if there is a running naughty and nice list that grounds differently than 'the many' perceive it will, once the bubble pops and the scenario is reversed, the nightmare begins... (meaning, if the state is full of traitors, hostile to and subverting constitutional governance, that would be an issue necessary to deal with world-over, to allow for a correction, to get humanity back on track)